Thursday, January 17, 2013


CHESS - From Love and Monsters by Scott Ferrara

What do you know of chess Thesseus? It might save you someday. Hell, it might save of all. We’ve been locked in the story for so long, what part are you missing? The rook are hate, straight forward and brutal. The bishops are fear. They slip in, do their damage and slip away. The knight’s deceit the sneakiest piece on the board.... The queen is indifference the opposite of love and the king is love, the piece on which the whole game rests. The pawns are people so easily wiped out by the emotions. In chess there is a winner and a loser. The winner gets the spoils and the loser lies hurts in some way. So the only way to truly win is to get a stalemate, where there is no winner, no loser and love is left. There is a war thesis between the brutal and the gentle, the savage and the civil. The winning gambit, the ideal stratagem is to strike a balance between them. Don’t tear yourself in two. End this. Let them go back to the ocean. If I kill you, only our positions will change. You’ll be the monster and I will be the hero and I will kill you for a century or two. I’ll tip over my king and you’ll have victory if you want it. Icarus will still fall into the sea, you will ruin an abandon Ariadne on a island after she gave up everything to save you. And your father will throw himself into the sea when he sees your ship fly a black sail. Why odes it have to end that way? Running wax, burnt feathers, tears and curses. Why can’t you stay with her and keep her love? Naxos, the isle of abandonment is a long way away. Aren’t you tired? I’m so tired.

And with that,
He tipped over his king.

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