Friday, April 29, 2011

If it stings it’s working

If it stings it’s working

There is an old saying that flies free in the face of conventional medical thought in the Ferrara house and Phil's Dojo.

All injuries fall under the category “Minor” and can be fixed with items from the shed or through escrima training.

YOUNG BOY SCOT – Dad/Phil , I’m hurt

“Minor” Injury - Dad's/ Sensei's Set answers –

Bullet wound

– Dad - calk gun, suck it up

Phil - why you bleed on my floor. Whack

Severed limb

– Dad -Duct tape, get me a beer

Phil - you got hit it's your fault.


– Dad - roll around in dirt, I was in the service

Phil - Fire is not the flow, be like water and put yourself out.

Dog Bite

– Dad - Bite the dog back, wussy

Phil - Kill dog and put head on rattan stick as warning to the others.


– Dad - Staplegun, who needs directions

Phil - You cannot fight without a Head.


– No passing out on my watch. Oh and what’s her name called.

Phil - Shock is like Pity, escrimadours feel not these things.


The Right’s Heroes for Summer Movies are all Jewish

The Right’s Heroes for Summer Movies are all Jewish.

I love telling this to the right wing tea party Birthers. Guess what? “ Heroes this summer are Jewish. “

I speak a few languages, Korean, Middle English, Shakespeare, American English but sadly my mother tongue is White Trash Long Island. My parents didn’t teach it to me. I learned it from the delis, parking lots, street corners and classrooms. So to hear a guy railing against people of Jewish faith. As he talks about looking forward to the super hero movies this summer while drinking from a Thor cup. I had to point a few things out.

If you are stupid enough to believe in the vast Zionist conspiracy, go no further than your multiplex. Superheroes are American icons of truth, justice, honor, virtue. And they are all Jewish.

Thor is a Norse / pagan god, developed by a man of Jewish ancestry. Became a Christ figure during the Christian conversions in Scandinavia.

Captain America, a Brooklyn kid weak who became strong after a scientist of Jewish ancestry enabled it to happen, the character also developed by men of Jewish Ancestry.

Superman, a technically illegal immigrant, developed by men of Jewish ancestry who’s name in Kryptonian is Kal’El, or power of god in Hebrew

The X-men, mutants, who face racism and intolerance, also developed by men of Jewish ancestry. Where one of the main characters is a holocaust survivor.

Green Lantern – Alan Scott version, co created by Bill Finger. Also Jewish.

SO righties when you throw around your little vile comments on the popcorn line about those “people who own everything” Guess what? They made your heroes. And they are direct descendents of Homer and Ovid, Dante and Shakespeare. If only you righties could claim such ancestry.

What inspired it…. Drive – Clear –Head

I believe the reason the ancient Neanderthal Ferraras created the wheel was to drive to the next cave to clear their heads. It's a tradition passed down from my father, when annoyed " Drive clear head", DCH has saved more lives than the red cross. I went for a drive and passed both my brothers and my father going for a drive to clear their heads.

I teach language, and language is nothing without context.

This guy in 7-11 was throwing around the K-word ( in reference to people of the Jewish faith) and the N-word ( yep you guessed it). I made mention earlier of my mother tongue being White Trash Long Island. Again this is not the way I was raised or what my parents taught me. My father “ a former detective” is probably the most tolerant person I’ve ever met. My mother, a woman of southern roots, also doesn’t think in separatist terms. But growing up I freely admit when I was a young troglodyte idiot. I used those words freely, with purpose and sometimes acidic zeal. Along with the F-word ( for homosexual, historically traced to middle english a term used to light fires when people were burned t the stake) the D- word ( for lesbian ) the S-word ( for people of hispanic abstraction ) the C- word ( in reference to female genetalia) also Pollark, Mick, Ginnea, Kraut. SO I was wondering what changed in me. How come I am not this man? When did the words stop. It was the heroes who would never think that way. I wanted to be them. After talking to a former student who I wanted to check on. People are loyal to their options. Then I thought to my master.

Don’t give them a target.

I am not this man because Ignorance is the afterbirth of bad education. I am not this man because the target was removed and if ugliness was going to spill out. It was replaced with a clear head and a drive.

I’ve been adopted by african american jewish southern western italian british kiwi saffer korean irish japanese homosexual cultures. They were my education. And it was a good one.


Friday, April 15, 2011

mother moon for tiffany

Votarice Mother moon
Silvered in dark mourning
Shadow changing ever soon
As both request and warning
Brother sun never learning
From a crime and eternal chase
Her light is his burning
The wounds upon her face
If Phoebe’s tears are dreams
All salt and cold and ash
Dust away what seems
In thunderous passions clash
Reveal bright eyes form the cowl
My love of sky, night and star
And for your glory I will howl
And would gladly bear your scar

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rapture Incantation

a kiss was asked

a storm wages

breathing tasked

torn from pages

somethings amiss

says the sages

the cost of a kiss

the cost of rages

memory stirs

furture entices

vision blurs

in lusty devices

nothing refuse

adoring will

passion imbues

the winter's kill

will it suffice

a memory tryst

heart sacrifice

I must persist

so to spring,

sharing a toast,

caress the sting,

shout and boast

fear's a coward,

enrapture the will

you stand empowered

now eat your fill

drink and sing

in sultry night

loves lusty wing

now take flight!!!!!!!


Monday, April 4, 2011

forms and training - muses and fates

Muses and Fates
Calliope - Strike Parry Left Temple
Clio - Strike Parry Right Temple
Erato - Strike Parry Left Rib
Euterpe- Strike Parry Right Rib
Melpomene -Strike Parry Left Knee,
Polyhymnia -Strike Parry Right Knee,-
Terpiscore-Strike Parry Left Hand
Thalia - Strike Parry Right Hand
Urania - Strike Parry Left Collar Bone
Clotho - Strike Parry Right Collar Bone
Lachesis - Strike Parry Left Femoral
Antropos- Strike Parry Right Femoral

4 hits
Asynjur -Right Shoulder, Left Rib, Left Shoulder, Right Rib
Valkyrys - Right Shoulder, Groin, Left Shoulder, Head
Norns -Right Femoral, Left temple, Right Temple, Left Femoral
Fates- Left Femoral, Right collar bone, Left Collar Bone, Right Femoral

6 hits
Mete -Right Shoulder, Head, Left Hip, Right Hip, Left Shoulder, Groin
Nese -Right Hand, Left Knee, Right Knee, Left Hand, Groin, Head
Hypate - Right Knee, Left Rib, Left Femoral, Right Femoral, Right Rib, Left Knee

8 hits
Melete - Right Rib, Left Temple, Right Temple, Left Rib, Left Shoulder, Right Hip, Right Shoulder, Left Hip
Mneme - Right Eye, Left Collar Bone, Right Collar Bone, Left Eye, Right hip, Left Hip, Left Hip, Right Hip
Aoide - Groin , Head, Left rib, Right Rib, Right Shoulder, Groin, Head , Left Shoulder

10 hits
Energeia -Left Temple, Right Rib, Left Rib, Right Temple, Head, Groin, Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder

Friday, April 1, 2011


off to train
a dragon slain
so begins the tale

seek the sky
remembering why
justice holds the scale

in darkest power
storm the tower
seeking the ghost grail

a feat of sand
when honor demand
a true heart set sail

a burning ember
words dismember
the tears of banshee wail

blade cut rune
sings the tune
the sword cuts the veil

so in the fray
friend of fae
love blazes the trail