Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When the critical moments invade,
And facing the music deafens the ear,
It’s blow for blow you trade,
The last moments of the cavalier,

Absence all the human feeling,
In the fury of blood and flesh,
Shock sets in senses appealing,
The battle bathes and in crimson refresh,

When it comes to that day,
When at last pride and strength become coy,
All the battle ghosts come to repay,
Long life blessed yet cursed in combative joy,

SO in crescendo the music plays,
And drum beats stir the heart and soul,
The dance ends and to the band one pays,
The price of old Charon’s toll.

On the other side of that river,
Then again I’ll see her face,
For love in time will deliver,
What the world tries to erase,

Regret never the decisions made,
You have attained what you have sought,
Though the memory of you like ink will fade,
So few have had stood, loved, and fought,

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