Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt and other poems

May god come between you and harm
in the dark places that you roam
an ancient prayer or mystic charm
where the pharohs did call home
the history in ancient
...and the sands in hourglass
but myth with histiry reinvent
as the sands do pass
Napolean robbed it's stores
Cleopatra was a greek
To Orion's belt Osiris soars
when it tis the truth you seek
Freedom call the blood
I am it's true orator
as the nile valley flood
Mubarak was our dictator
30 years of won elections,
oppression was his lot,
safe was he in our detections
from the blood of Sadat.
I wish the protecters well
for I remeber tien na min square
the powers that be know only hell
and does so without care.
In the river his brother set dismembered
and Osiris sister wife rebuilt
The mythic truth reborn remembered
when your tombs foundations are silt



There is no vacancy in the box
that Pandora opened sure
Hope remains to spite the clocks
...Hope above all is pure.
In her lonely cell is kept
The joy and disaster,
Left by her sisters she wept
but she is still there master
For all the horror Pandora release
with fiery wings unfurlled
Hope stayed an will ever increase
our place in this world
But loving hope is friend of man
we unidentified human remains
She ttells us yes you can
When the darkness reigns

winter to spring

they say that white is purity
with epic words I'll gush
but as with any surity
the snow will turn to slush
we build our mountains of white
...and dream of blankets profound
hoping the snow covers the sight
and the growing underground
but as night echoes with storm
and old Boreas doth retreat
we covet boies for moments warm
and to Persephone with entreat
mothers sadness when she depart,
to the dead god of silver helm
her initial caress of Hades chart
Springs lust o'ertakes the realm

poetic hand grenades

Pin the pin and run for cover
as the ordinace doth fly
rhyming sharpnel like no other
...with all the steely bit imply
that when a wit is shown
the crater leads to exposure
once the grenade is thrown
few things give us closure
as these metal bombs descend
one can't help but wonder
the hurts that poetry can amend
once you're blown asunder

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