Monday, May 2, 2011

YGGDRASIL and THE NINE WORLDS strike thrust patterns


Yggdrasil - The home cosmic 'Tree of Life' that binds the universe together, the world ASH

all thrusts are to the sternum for this drill

1. The Eagle

Asgard - The home to the Gods and Goddesses of the Aesir

Head – High X siniwali and thrust

Alfheim - The realm where the Light Elves dwell

Eyes cut – and thrust

Vanaheim - The home to the Gods and Goddesses of the Vanir

Throat – and thrust

2. Ratatosk

Midgard - The home of the mankind

Mid X siniwali and thrust

Jotunheim - The realm where the Giants dwell

Collar Bone Strike and thrust

Muspellheim - The world of primal fire where the Muspilli Fire Giants dwell

Ribs cut – then thrust

3. Nidhogg

Niflheim - The "world of mists" and primal ice

Low X siniwali and thrust( the knees cut from the cripple cut)

SvartAlfheim - The realm where the Black Elves / Dwarfs dwell

Genitals horizontal cut – then thrust

Hel - The land of the dead, ruled by the goddess Hella.

Femoral cut then thrust

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