Wednesday, June 23, 2010

a dance in time - a request

seeking balance sword in flight,
in symmetry with the hand,
emerging bloody feral night,
at all your passions demand,
and stinging lip in harshest kiss
is the cut in blooded waters wade,
lessons over, the teacher shall dismiss
when by ones own skill betrayed,
a sight across the crowded floor,
eyes meet in captured glance,
all souls in that one look implore,
the killing kindness of the dance.
outstretched hand, and sweet laughter,
as the music of war mistook,
a polite bow, will see them after.
the consequnces of that look.
feel the weight and see the touch,
gods will forgive this crime.
no lover had I ever loved this much,
then when blade and I dance in time.

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