Monday, February 2, 2009

first month blues

Listening to Howlin Wolf, and patiently waiting for payday. The kids were good today, and I ran into a few more foreigners. It felt good to speak English at my normal pace. Soy called she hasn't had her baby yet. But when she does she wants me to visit her in the hospital. I am taking her and Dragon out to a shobu shobu joint when I get paid as a thank you. Even though I am abysmal at ping pong, Soy thinks the baby should have a Megookin uncle.

Today we switched books. It would have been nice to have been told, how the lessons were planned. But even though I improvise well. It's a little never wracking when you have no clue. Luckily, thank the gods I was able to muddle my way through. But sometimes being a foreigner, some people talk around you. Makes you feel sentensed to some form of public invisibilty.

That's about the time the migrane hit like Thor on a vengeance kick.

Some stories, it seems like tambae ( cigarettes ) killed the dinosaurs. When I asked for an alternate theory of their extintion. Wasn't that a far side comic back in the day.

My first monday class is my colorings and stickers class with Peter, David, and James. Watching me explain the whole coloring in the lines conceot is kind of tragic. So I just let them go wild.

A lovely elderly woman on the bus smiled and thanked me in English for getting out of my seat for her.

Feel like reading a Russian novel.

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