Sunday, June 7, 2009

six months in halfway home and su hyun's cat

On Saturday I was officially here six months, and it has been a hard struggle at times. The shine hasn't gone off the apple. I managed to learn a passable amount the language, train, help people and heal a bit. So now after acending this mountain, I have to think on the descent. Been looking for work teaching in the states and getting my accredations. I have managed to survive and sometimes thrive. My students most are great some are horrible. My days long and greuling, My nights fillied with poetry and the occasional pangs of longing. My novel Glass Mountain is going slowly . I've got to go to a Samsung store to see if they can get a hundred or so pictures off my phone. And for part of this week I am watching Tanya's bird Soju. This will give me my much needed news infusion. I plan on doing the more cultural things this month. There are museums to go to. I still want to get to Soraksam and Kyobusa temples before I go. But the are days I so miss the ocean and the sky. Sky and ocean always touch. This weekend was fun. It ended on a high note when I got mauled by a friends cat. Su Hyun is this nice math teacher who speaks passable English and she brought her cat out for me to pet, something startled it and the little beast clawed me. All I could do was laugh. Su Hyun an absolute doll fetched a band aide and some antibiotic ointment, that cat's fur matched my hair color, except for the few grays that have been popping in. I think the cat knew I was a foreigner. Fear of war is on many faces. I night I hear the combat jets fly overhead. So as my old man would say. "Be Safe"

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