Sunday, April 26, 2009

stuff for walls

This weekend was fun, went to SOngtan for a new pipe. A bit pricey but worth it. Had mexican food, actually made by Mexicans. There is an airbase near there, the Airmen are fun. They saw me speaking Korean and asked me a ton of questions. some were genuiniely interested in being polite, then went to a nightclub in Suwon called Shampoo, danced my legs off. Let the hair out. Had good Galbi (pork ) and pretty much chilled with the Surly crew. Saturday we went back to Suwon and get a gaggle of foreigners.

ALso met a trio of military guys hell bent for trouble. I sent them to the pink light district and was hoping the MP's would find them.

Well, I finally broke down and got some more things to put on my walls, they are laminated korean maps and language lessons that break down the syllable blocks . Not quite the decorating I wanted to do and my old interior decorating boss would break into hives. But the cell is looking a little less transitory. I spent the day in. I was going to go to the lantern festival inSeoul but my back was killing me so I decided to stay in a be a slugabed. I also got floor sitting mats just in case I invite one of Byeongjeomers to eat here. It can be civilized. Going to do a little food shopping.

Be safe

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